Ask us!
Even if you have looked at our online finding aids, etc., it is always important to contact us for more detailed information. Please feel free to call or email the Reference and Instruction Archivist at 781-736-4657/
Finding Aids Database
Finding aids are essentially catalogs for individual collections. Collections can be any size (we have collections ranging from a few items to several hundred boxes) and finding aids lay out the intellectual organization (alphabetical, date, etc.) and physical organization (what boxes things are in) of the collections, and provide information on provenance (the record of ownership the collection), scope and content (an overview of what is in the collection), biographical data (of the donor and/or subject of the collection), subject headings, etc.
OneSearch (Library Catalog)
In addition to many archival collections, we have thousands of cataloged rare books and many of our archival materials are locatable in OneSearch as well. Here are a couple of ways to make finding our materials a little easier:
Digitized Collections
We have digitized many of our collections, some partially, some fully. They appear in several places (DeisGallery, Internet Archive, etc). Here are some useful links:
Essays and Online Exhibits About Our Collections
Research Guides (aka LibGuides)
All A&SC guides